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News - United States


Inside the Arizona ranch where 500,000 illegal immigrants have been caught crossing the Mexican border

Border Hawk takes you on an exclusive tour of an Arizona ranch where half a million illegal aliens have been apprehended in the past 30 years.

John Ladd’s 16,000-acre property on the outskirts of Bisbee, Arizona, shares 10 miles of border with Mexico, making it prime territory for illegal entries by smugglers, cartel operatives, and migrants.

Every day, Ladd searches his ranch for damaged fencing, missing cattle, or unwelcome guests. Multiple generations of border barriers “protect” his land, including the “Obama fence” and “Trump wall”, which he appreciates but said are effectively pointless if they aren’t properly guarded and laws aren’t enforced.

“It makes a statement, but the only way that it will work is if we patrol it, and the only way patrolling is going to work is if you have consequences when you are caught coming into this country illegally,” Ladd told Border Hawk.

The wall “eliminates any misunderstanding” about trespassing, Ladd asserted.

“If you climb an 18 or 30-foot wall, you KNOW that you’re in the U.S.,” he said.

“I can prosecute an American citizen for trespassing but not an illegal. That’s a fact and that’s nationwide on the border.”

Illegal aliens have been invading Ladd’s property every day for decades — even during the Trump administration, which was “the best it’s ever been,” he said.

Border Patrol has deployed a Tethered Aerostat Radar System which floats in the sky above the ranch and monitors the international frontier.

He showed us a variety of methods smugglers and illegals employ to avoid detection or defeat obstacles in their way, such as “carpet shoes” and customized ladders.

Ladd also took us to see a steel bollard in the Trump border wall that was cut and then repaired eight times in less than a month this year.

Through the first half of Fiscal Year 2024, Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector was the busiest in the nation with more than 342,000 ‘encounters.’ As illegal migration flows shift away from Texas, residents of other border states, like John Ladd, are finding themselves in ever-worsening predicaments.

The article was written by Dan Lyman for Border Hawk and InfoWars, and is republished by The Noticer with permission.

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