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Analysis - United States


The Great Repatriation and the aftermath – what will America look like after a reversal of demographic change?

Through writing our landmark Great Repatriation series White Papers was able to outline how 51 million immigrants (and their children) could reasonably be deported from the United States and returned to their ethnic homelands. This process would reverse decades of demographic decline and restore Whites to a much stronger majority position.

The White population would increase from its current 54% share of the national population to roughly 70% share. In addition, the overall American population would decline from the current 334 million people to about 283 million people.

In later pieces, we outlined how large shares of Hispanics and Blacks in the United States do not identify as American and have little hope and faith in the country. We floated proposals for monetary payments to entice their departure and outlined states that are already attempting to attract their populations back, as well as methods the American government can and should use to force unwilling nations to take back their citizens and coethnics.

This process would result in the White share of the population rising even higher, perhaps back to its historic average of around 88%. Still, this piece will focus on the 70% goal and what America would look like after the Great Repatriation.

A Political Shift:

The first major change would be a radical redistribution of political power in the United States. States such as California, Florida, Texas, and New York would lose significant votes in the Electoral College and states such as Michigan, Ohio, and other moderately sized states would gain electoral votes. This would shift the center of power away from the coasts and decidedly more into the heartland.

But, this process would also make states such as California and New York competitive again. As we outlined in the pieces about these respective states: California’s White population is split rather evenly down ideological lines with 37% of White Californians identifying as Conservatives, 37% identifying as Liberals, and 26% identifying as Moderates. Similarly in New York State, the White populace 48% of White New Yorkers voted for Donald Trump in the 2020 election and just 50% voted for Joe Biden – 1% less than Biden received in California and effectively a tie.

While White Papers does not endorse either major party, and we attempt to work across petty ideological lines and promote nationalism, it is certainly desirable that the political preferences of the American people, Whites, are expressed without interference by large monolithic ethnic voting blocs.

Housing Abundance:

More American adults than at any time since the Great Depression are living with their parents and with immigration increasingly squeezing the housing market the natural solution is a Great Repatriation of the immigrant population in order to enable native-born and White Americans to climb a property ladder their ancestors constructed.

Currently there are 145 million housing units in the United States, according to the St. Louis Federal Reserve. And, with a total of 90.8 million immigrants and their children present in the United States estimates on how many housing units these immigrants occupy vary greatly, but we can say that, on average, immigrant households are comprised of 3 individuals. It is reasonable, therefore, to conclude that the removal of some 40-plus million immigrant adults would result in the opening of roughly 20 million housing units across the United States.

The Great Repatriation and the Aftermath

This increase in open housing stock would be equivalent to 14 years of housing construction at the current pace and would allow an entire generation of White Americans to leave home and begin climbing the property ladder. With more than 30 million young Whites aged 18-29 in the country, it would open up a new world of possibility in building wealth and increasing prosperity.


Mass immigration has a negative impact on the wages of native-born Americans, and a very negative impact on the wages of the lowest-skilled Americans, with every one percent increase in the number of immigrants in an occupation lowering wages by 0.8%. This effect is compounding.

Even incredibly libertarian think tanks such as the Cato Institute have been forced to admit that increases in the immigrant population lead to a real decline in the wages of Americans.

The Great Repatriation and the Aftermath

Millions of immigrants suppress wages in countless American industries ranging from financial services to construction to hospitality. With large-scale repatriation of immigrants, American workers would be needed to fill these slots and would bid up wages in these sectors to levels appropriate for the American worker. Working conditions would improve and Whites would spend more money into the economy.

Public Spending:

Mass immigration and demographic change have cost the American taxpayer, the White taxpayer, trillions of dollars. A recent House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security majority report found that the net loss to taxpayers due to illegal immigrants is $150.7 billion per annum. Another report by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) found that the total negative economic impact of illegal immigration per year approaches $182 billion.

The Center for Immigration Studies has found that welfare use among immigrants, of all types and legal statuses, sits at roughly 54% while only 39% of native-born American households utilize the welfare system with any regularity. And with more than $900 billion spent collectively on the nation’s welfare state, the rate at which immigrants are using up public services amounts to well over a trillion dollars each when considering the widest range of their impact (courts, policing, etc).

Repatriation would save the American (White) taxpayer hundreds of billions, if not more than a trillion dollars, at all levels of government and would enable the large-scale redeployment of state resources to fix critical infrastructure and other related problems.

This article originally appeared on White Papers and is republished by The Noticer with permission. Follow the White Papers Policy Institute on Telegram here.

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