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Refugee lawyer wants hundreds of African criminals set free

Yet another challenge has been lodged in the High Court to get convicted criminals out of immigration detention, just a few months on from the NZYQ decision.

From the ABC:

“The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre has filed a new class action on behalf of South Sudanese refugees arguing that those being held in detention are in legal limbo, unable to return to the country they were born in or to a third country, and that they should be released into the community once their refugee status has been confirmed.

Hannah Dickinson, principal solicitor at the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, said the class action aimed to restore the dignity of people who have endured the conditions of Australia’s tough detention system, and release those who are eligible and still subject to it.

“In bringing this action, [the lead plaintiff] argues that as soon as the Australian government recognises a person cannot return to their country of birth because it is not safe for them, that is that they are a refugee, it can’t continue to keep that person in detention,” she said.

“There’s simply no legitimate basis to do so.”

And just like the test case in NZYQ being a Rohingyan Muslim who raped a 10-year old boy and whose legal defence was funded by Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, the plaintiff in this case is another violent Sudanese “refugee”:

“The lead plaintiff in the case, known only as LPSP, spent just over a year in an Australian prison after his humanitarian visa was cancelled.

He was then moved to immigration detention where he spent five years, from 2019 to 2024.”

The man now lives in the community with his family after being found to pose no risk and is seeking compensation for what he argues was almost 1,200 days of unlawful detention.

The case covers all South Sudanese people detained after protection obligations were recognised in Australia, but it will also have implications for others.”

In short, he committed a serious enough crime to warrant prison time and mandatory cancellation of his visa under Section 501 followed by immigration detention, but instead of deporting him back to South Sudan like a sane country would, the solution is to release more of them into the Australian community and pay them gibs.

LPSP told the ABC he was “sorry” for his offending, but of course the national broadcaster neglected to mention his 80 convictions over 18 court appearances between 2009 and 2016, including more than 20 for violence and five more for family violence.

Hannah Dickinson looks exactly like you’d imagine a refugee lawyer to look like (unsure of early life). The lefty White woman from Melbourne lobbying for foreign criminals to be free to roam Australian streets because muh war torn country – a tale as old as time.

This would be the 4th time a legal challenge of a similar nature has been attempted in the past 18 months.

In December 2022, 200 criminals were released from immigration detention by the Federal Court in Pearson vs Home Affairs 2022.

Another unsuccessful challenge, ASF17, was launched earlier this year by David Manne and Refugee Legal in the Federal Court but struck down.

This should come as no surprise. It follows a global pattern of foreign criminals being imported, prevented from being deported and also given lenient sentences by weak judges for some of the most unspeakable crimes ever.

The Noticer has reported on many of these which have become a daily occurrence, and we are now looking at the potential release of another 400 convicted, violent criminals.

If the High Court upholds this challenge then this is essentially carte blanche on open borders. You can literally come here, commit the worst crimes possible, some childless cat lady lawyer at the ASRC will cry in front of the judges and there’s nothing that Australian Border Force or the police can do about it.

The Migration Act is now nothing more than a cash cow and asset stripping mechanism for the legal industrial complex. The social contract has now been well and truly broken and the Australian public is paying for it with violent crime from foreigners and an incredibly low-trust society.

We’ve just seen Victoria Police repeatedly do nothing about a 100-day refugee protest that saw them storm government buildings with no consequence.

But man, did they not hesitate to use force yesterday when Australians turned up to tell these invaders to rightfully go home:

Amanda Vanstone was the traitor who let the Sudanese in and now they have turned into a forever burden much like the Indians out the front of the Home Affairs building.

Mass deportations and remigration are the only solution and it was needed yesterday. It’s also time some of these treacherous migration lawyers, some of whom openly brag about their subversion on social media, face some consequences for their own self-interested sabotage of our nation.

Vyleen White and other victims of these foreign criminals are owed it.

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