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Sydney Aquarium is hosting a drag queen story hour event to ‘bring LGBTQ+ culture to all kinds of families’

Sea Life Sydney Aquarium is partnering with a LGBT advocacy group to host a drag queen story hour for children.

The event, called Drag Story Time At The Aquarium, will take place at the Darling Harbour venue on February 17, featuring “drag storyteller” Mulan.

Mulan describes himself as a “Chinese bitch”, the “tallest queen in Australia” and the winner of Miss Universal 2022 on his Instagram page.

“We’ll be entertained by a very special drag performer who will read some excellent books to our audience, in a fantastic location and the best part – we’re bringing LGBTQ+ culture to all kinds of families, not just our own rainbow families,” organisers Rainbow Families state on their event page.

“This fabulous event will be an unmissable experience for children of all ages to come and celebrate their love of books and find renewed enthusiasm for reading in a completely safe and inclusive space, surrounded by all the wild wonders of the sea.”

Rainbow Families also hosts “LGBTQ+ playgroups”, has produced an “Inclusive Language Birthing Kit”, and lobbies the government on LGBT issues.

Several similar events were cancelled across Australia 2023 after protests from concerned Christian and community groups and parents who did not want their children exposed to sexualised adult performers, mirroring a global backlash against LGBT performances aimed at kids.

Kirralie Smith from Binary Australia previous told media outlets: “Nothing ‘sexual’ should ever be promoted to children.

“Drag Queens are male performers making a mockery of hypersexualised female stereotypes.

“If adults want to watch them perform they can do so at adult bars and clubs.”

Draq Queen Mulan (Rainbow Families)

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