Free speech-loving Australians have come out in support of AFL legend Sam Newman for refusing to back down to cancel culture and interviewing two of Australia’s most prominent nationalists on his podcast.
The 79-year-old former presenter on The Footy Show hosted Thomas Sewell and Blair Cottrell on his You Cannot Be Serious show on Monday night and was immediately attacked by the corporate media, left-wing activists, and Jewish groups, before the show had even aired.
Both of his guests had attracted news coverage over the Australia Day long weekend, Mr Cottrell for an Australia Day celebration in Melbourne, and Mr Sewell for an Australia Day march in Adelaide with his right-wing activist group the National Socialist Network, resulting in him being jailed for three days for allegedly loitering.
A defiant Newman responded to the criticism by putting up video of the interview earlier than planned, and on Tuesday morning blasted his critics in the podcast introduction and insisted it was his right to interview figures of public interest, demanding they “have the courage” to come on his show.
“I will interview anyone who I think is worthy of being interviewed, worthy as a person of interest, and let people make their mind up,” he said.
“I hope more controversial figures will come on here and be interviewed by me, and I’m giving a final invitation to Alan Cassuto, wherever he is, and … Dvir Abramovich … get your ass in here mate and tell me what you thought about me interviewing those people.”

But in stark contrast to his treatment by the media, Mr Newman has been praised by everyday Australians for defying his woke critics and hosting the nationalist pair, and the comments on the YouTube video of the interview have been overwhelmingly positive.
“Good on you Sam, don’t let anyone bully you into not expressing your freedom of speech,” wrote Stirling Cooper.
“Good on you Sam for having the integrity for not editing this,” said another, referring to a section of the interview where Newman promised not to cut anything out.
“Free speech must be defended. Great to hear diversity of thought,” said a third YouTube commenter.
“These young men are saying what many are scared to say. They are clearly and articulately stating what is happening to Australia and all Western countries. Very interesting interview,” wrote another.
Before this interview has been posted there has been an extraordinary outpouring of derision and scorn. Is it not reasonable to seek an explanation from such controversial figures? I believe so, that’s why it will be on line shortly. You Cannot Be Serious.
— Sam Newman (@Origsmartassam) February 3, 2025
Newman posted an explanation for why he released the clip early on X, saying: “Before this interview has been posted there has been an extraordinary outpouring of derision and scorn. Is it not reasonable to seek an explanation from such controversial figures?”
That post also generated a response that was almost entirely positive.
“Well done Sam for not kow-towing to the wokes, if our ideas aren’t reasonable surely open discussion is the best way to repudiate them not censorship!” wrote NSN activist Joel Davis.
“Integrity is rare these days,” wrote popular political commentator and podcaster Diogo Cohea.
“Cancelling people and banning them from media platforms solves nothing. If people disagree with ideas, they should be challenged with better ideas and not silenced. More conversations like this need to be had with people from all sides without people being big babies and trying to silence them. Good on you, Sam,” wrote another X user.
Both Mr Sewell and Mr Cottrell responded to the interview on X, but on Tuesday night both accounts were suspended and the posts are no longer available.
Noticer News contacted Sam Newman for comment.