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Liberal Party savaged for ‘pathetic’ plan to reduce permanent immigration by just 25%

The Liberal Party is under fire from its own voter base after announcing a plan to address Australia’s mass immigration-driven housing crisis that only includes a 25% reduction of permanent migration.

In a post on X on Thursday the party wrote “a Dutton Coalition Government will restore the great Australian dream of home ownership” with a graphic titled “ease demand, boost supply”.

Under the first heading where three bullet points reading, “reduce permanent migration by 25%”, “ban foreign investors and temporary residents from buying existing houses for two years”, and “a cap on foreign students”.

The post attracted hundreds of comments from right-of-centre voters and politicians, including United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet who wrote: “Doesn’t go far enough.

“Reduce immigration by 90 percent. Encourage aussies to have kids instead through incentives. Permanently ban foreigners from owning homes. Leave foreign students to come here and study and pay full fees. But after they’re done studying they can’t stay. They have to go back to their home country.

“A pause isn’t enough.”

Freelancer founder and CEO Matt Barrie added: “This policy will continue the full speed deterioration in Australian wealth, the Australian way of life and the great Australian dream of home ownership.

“But it will continue to generate more customers for the Ponzi. Because they’re all in on it.”

Community advocacy group Migration Watch Australia wrote on X that the plan was “pathetic”.

“The Liberal Party plan for immigration is: 1. Nearly 400,000 net migrants a year. 2. Allow foreign investors to buy Australian homes. 3. Vague ‘caps’ on international students without saying how much.

“Our ideal plan: 1. Cut immigration by 90% to ease the housing crisis. 2. Ban foreign investors forever. 3. HARD cap on international students in the tens of thousands, not hundreds of thousands.”

Hundreds of commenters agreed, with many calling for “mass deportations”, others saying “foreign ownership needs to end permanently” and many more saying they preferred One Nation’s net-zero immigration policy.

Others pointed out that a 25% cut on current levels of permanent migration was still an increase on overall immigration since the Coalition was last in government.

A handful of comments were less critical, with one person saying: “It’s a good start. Now what are you going to do to reduce the size of Government?”

Australian Bureau of Statistics figures from September showed that the population has now surpassed 27.1 million with 83% of the growth due to net overseas migration.

Annual net overseas migration in the year to March 2024 was 509,800 people, down from a peak of 559,900 in September 2023.

A total of 718,400 people immigrated to Australia, an increase of 11,800 (1.7%), while departures decreased by 6,100 people (2.8%) to 208,700.

Australia is now on track to hit 28 million people decades earlier than expected, dwarfing predictions made in a 2002 Howard government report that the population would reach 25.3 million by 2042.

Then-Liberal Party leader John Howard presided over a large increase in immigration that has been continued by every Coalition and Labor government since, with record increased since 2022 under the Albanese Labor government.

Resolve poll in May found that 66% of voters think too many immigrants were allowed in last year, a Redbridge survey in April found 72% think immigrants are making housing less affordable, and The Australian Population Research Institute in the same month found that three in four think immigration is too high, and 49% want a “drastic cut”.

Header image: Left, Liberal Party leader Peter Dutton pandering to Indian immigrants on a trip to India. Right, the Liberal Party’s new migration slogan (Facebook, X)

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