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You can and should be blaming immigrants for Australia’s decline

Martin Place Sydney Muslim prayer takeover

As data released last week shows Australia well on track to exceed immigration projections for yet another year, more and more anger is being directed at our ruling class for a deliberate erosion of our national borders and destruction of the nation.

A cursory glance at social media now has people of all political and economic persuasions opposing the legalised, for-profit invasion of our country.

However, a refrain I hear all too often is stifling the debate and is quite frankly, fucking annoying:

“Don’t blame migrants for the current situation man.”

Or my other favourite:

“Absolutely no-one is blaming migrants man.”

Well no, I and many others rightfully are and quite frankly, you’re a coward if you aren’t.

“I don’t blame the hitman who killed my family man, I blame the guy who put the hit on.”

Just like the latter example they’re both culpable and responsible.

In my opinion, this just another version of the self-hating White person stating “I’m not a racist” and giving in to the same imposed moral framework that is destroying him and his country. You’ve lost the argument before it’s even begun.

Just because these people were brought in by traitors and a handful of wealthy people for their own geopolitical, religious and economic objectives doesn’t justify the position at all. It doesn’t absolve them of their behaviour, intentions and objectives either.

Migrants are making a completely voluntary decision to move to Australia for their own economic self-interest. It’s almost entirely from third world countries to first world Australia. These “hard working migrants” appear to not want to emulate the hard work that was born out by a handful of convicts and settlers that moved here with nothing two hundred years ago, and carved out a first world nation from scratch in less than two centuries.

Instead, they just want a shortcut via economic parasitism that is also advantageous to a small, hostile elite who view them as a means to an end. The cost is always at the expense of and paid for by the citizens of the host nation and the “better life” migrants are seeking is off the back of the Australian working and middle class who now cannot even purchase shelter and are living in tents.

Another one which flies around is “well, you voted for it”.

Well no, I and the overwhelming majority didn’t vote for any of it.

Polls consistently show that at least 70% of the population (it’s in reality much higher) does not want immigration and multiculturalism and if you got granular with this data it would overwhelmingly show White people don’t want it, save for a few self-loathing clowns in Melbourne.

How can we vote for a position that is unanimously agreed upon by the political and economic class, save for one or two dissenters which hold no sway? So much so, that Bob Hawke infamously stated that there was an active agreement not to discuss it openly?

Throw in a hostile media class that has enforced this via constant moral policing, and this proposition is absolutely retarded. Immigration is never taken to an election, and even if it’s mentioned it’s routinely ignored despite the protestations of the electorate. As demographic warfare continues, admitted by even Kos Samaras, this will get worse.

Unfortunately, this stupid moral injunction that many White people in Australia seem to have that every foreigner is purely a victim and has no agency is just pathetic to observe and making things in Australia worse.

This mindset seems is increasingly prevalent in the domain of civic nationalism and the cowardly centre-right. They tend to be conflict avoidant pussies who want all the benefits but none of the risk involved in solving the demographic problem, ironically the same character trait they mock the left for. It’s pathetic self-preservation.

Migrants are here for their own self-interest, they don’t care about our country or you and your family aspirations – I don’t like the hand dealt either but that’s where we are.

They’re outbidding you at rentals, home auctions, driving your wages down, making your roads unsafe, making you unsafe in your own home, bringing back literal slavery, stealing from food banks and making your country politically unsafe with ethnic voting blocs. All the while, laughing at how easy it is to game our migration system on TikTok.

Hell, they’re even putting our volunteer surf life savers at risk because they can’t swim.

You can now cue the usual idiot chiming in with his “But I know one or two lovely people from x country” line as justification for deliberate replacement migration. They usually have an Asian wife.

To further illustrate my point, here’s a microscopic snapshot of some very, very recent migrant behaviour:

Alleged murder of a White teenager in a shopping centre

Sexual assault and scams of Uber passengers

Openly protesting for permanent visas

Pouring hot coffee on a baby and leaving the country instantly

Causing traffic jams because you are late delivering food and can’t read road rules

Demanding blasphemy laws in Melbourne CBD

Supporting a foreign war in Sydney

To sum up, I absolutely blame migrants for their part in the destruction of Australia as much as the traitors that brought them here. This shouldn’t be a controversial opinion or position, however over 50 years of anti-White, multicultural propaganda has worked a treat on most people.

Ponder on this: How can you correctly call for mass deportations and remigration, yet be also too afraid to even call out the behaviour of migrants or the impact they have on the rest of us? One doesn’t work without the other.

Invasive species are a problem, animal or not. Australia has both problems at record levels.

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