Media Shame File
Outlet: The Saturday Paper (owned by Morry Schwartz)
Headline: The exclusionary empowerment of Taylor Swift
Summary: This anti-White diatribe would earn you a racial vilification charge if it was about any other race, but since it’s written by an African immigrant living Australia and working as a professional victim, it’s not only okay, but also worthy of publication in a highbrow weekly newspaper. We don’t like Taylor Swift because her music is boring and she’s a brainless liberal. Santilla Chingaipe doesn’t like Taylor Swift because she’s White. That’s all the 1,300 poorly arranged words in this article come down to. It’s just a hate screed. Worth a read though just to see what garbage you can get away with writing if you are non-White and anti-White.
Key Quote: “In Swift’s world, you do not have to feel guilt or shame about White privilege – you embrace it. In fact, Swift makes it permissible to buy into this world and many are willing to go into debt to experience it. She is the sound of Whiteness.”
Subtext: “White people bad”