The violence erupting across Britain and dividing itself along racial lines should not come as a surprise to anyone.
The British people did not want it, they did not ask for it, but it has been thrust upon them.
Government after government has ignored poll after poll, imposing multiculturalism upon the United Kingdom from above, turning London into a minority White British city and subjecting the indigenous population to indignity after indignity.
What should be surprising is how long it has taken for racial conflict explode, considering the decades of Islamic terrorism, Pakistani grooming gangs, immigrant crime and the ever-accelerating replacement of the native people in their own land by foreigners who hate them.
But the stabbing of three innocent little girls, allegedly by a Rwandan teenager, in Southport last week seems to have been the last straw, and the English people appear to finally have had enough.
Of course, the media, political commentators and traitors on both sides of politics will condemn the violence, but they all have blood on their hands for facilitating the failed pipedream policies of multiculturalism and diversity that led to this.
No matter how they have voted, despite both major parties repeatedly promising to lower immigration, the British people have had multiculturalism and more and more immigration imposed upon them, so it is any wonder they responding this way?
And it’s not like the diversity advocates were not warned.
Enoch Powell famously foresaw a race war in his Rivers of Blood speech of 1968:
As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see ‘the River Tiber foaming with much blood’
We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependents, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant descended population.
It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.
Little did Powell know that by 2023 his inflow of 50,000 dependents would turn into a flood of 1.2 million immigrants a year, 85% from non-EU countries, yet he was vilified for his speech and his warnings ignored – by 2021, his own constituency in Wolverhampton was just 57.9% White, a figure which includes non-British residents.
And the blood has indeed started to flow, with violent non-White mobs armed with swords and machetes attacking anti-immigration protesters in Stoke-on-Trent on Saturday, and similar scenes playing out in Blackburn and Hull.
And despite the mobs appearing to be predominately Muslim, the recent protests and counter-protests have self-sorted by race and ethnicity, with White British patriots facing off against a coalition of uninvited ethnic minorities.
This was on display in protests on Saturday in Belfast, where White Catholics and Protestants put their religious differences aside to oppose a common enemy, waving the Union Jack and the Irish tricolour side by side.
Unless you believe that the indigenous peoples of the United Kingdom do not deserve a country of their own, that they do not deserve a homeland, then there is no excuse for forcing them to live beside people from incompatible cultures and making them a minority in the cities and town their ancestors built.
Multiculturalism was always doomed to fail, and if the British government wants to stop the violence they need to recognise this and implement remigration policies immediately, or the racial conflict will only worsen until the White Britons lose their country forever or take it back by force.