The ABC really wants you to stop liking Donald Trump

They are trying to make it socially unacceptable for you to like Trump.
Corporate media defends DEI-obsessed lesbian fire chief as Los Angeles burns

No criticism of lesbians is allowed, no matter how incompetent they are.
Gaslighting media tries to blame British backpackers for Australia’s immigration problems

The corporate media finally finds an immigrant group it can criticise.
BBC blames ‘socioeconomic factors’ for German Christmas market terror attack

A Saudi terrorist killed 5 and injured 200 in Magdeburg.
UK newspaper praises Syrian terrorists as ‘diversity-friendly’ jihadists

The Islamist terror group is being supported by Israel.
The ABC defends taxpayer-funded prostitutes for the disabled

The ABC takes another opportunity to promote sexual degeneracy.
Corporate press gushes over baby being deprived of a father

They want you to think that two lesbians “having a baby” is normal and good.
ABC uses immigrant sob story to advocate for open borders

ABC News wants citizenship for everyone.
Corporate media’s ‘debunking’ of Corowa protest debunked

The Age are trying to cover up what’s going on in Corowa.
Media union upset over humiliation of ‘woman of colour’ journalist

Anushri Sood was exposed as a fool, and the media union are furious.
ABC describes woman’s breast removal as ‘de-feminising surgery’

Sickening trans normalisation propaganda from ABC News.
Information Liberation destroys NewsGuard ‘fact check’

Their attempted smear piece has been thoroughly exposed.
A glimpse inside the mind of an Australian journalist

They are terrified someone might think they aren’t left-wing.
Leftist NZ Herald social media team goes mask off

The NZ Herald’s social media team is staffed by far-left extremists.
The Guardian: Elon Musk should be threatened with arrest for allowing free speech on X

Columnist Robert Reich opposes Musk’s free speech stance.