There was never a Covid pandemic.

They literally just rebranded the flu.
Given the Australian government shut down the economy, held people prisoner in their homes and forced them to take poison in response to a fake pandemic, they couldn’t not do an inquiry.
This “inquiry” has just handed down its report, delivering the shocking finding that after lying repeatedly to us, nobody believes the government anymore.
Australians are “unlikely” to accept large-scale Covid-19 measures and restrictions in an inevitable future pandemic, with “heavy-handed” rules and large-scale vaccine mandates key factors to eroding trust.
As a result, vaccine immunity for diseases has waned, with a warning of “co-occurring outbreaks” that could overrun Australia’s health system.
The final report into Australia’s large-scale Covid-19 response has been released and warns the government that it needs to “rebuild trust” with the public, with “many of the measures taken during Covid-19 unlikely to be accepted by the population again”.
While Australians were more likely to follow government directives at the beginning of the pandemic, trust increasingly “eroded” as the pandemic continued, the report said.
The fact that the actions of state Premiers, particularly Dictator Dan and Captain Crazy Eyes, were not examined in this report should tell us from the beginning that this was never intended to be a serious report. Rather than admit the government and media lied, the report appears designed to continue the gaslighting.
Co-authored by former NSW Health director general Robyn Kruk, epidemiologist Catherine Bennett and health economist Angela Jackson, the report found this was, in part, because people weren’t given reasons behind the advice underpinning restrictions.
“This fed the perception that the government did not trust the public to understand or interpret the information correctly and contributed to the decrease in trust,” it said.
We were given lots of reasons, stupid reasons. For example, were told that if we didn’t wear stupid masks while driving alone in our car, we would kill grandma and everyone would hate us. People did indeed understand the information, they even made videos demonstrating how stupid the masks were.
The government and Lying Press told everybody that anyone who disagreed with them was a dangerous conspiracy theorist who was getting people killed and should be denied medical treatment.

This report is merely advising the government on how to do propaganda and totalitarianism better next time:
“We have a responsibility, particularly as a government, to examine our response to the pandemic, to learn what we did well, and in particular, to learn what we could have done better, and importantly, to build, as this report describes it, a high-level playbook for the next pandemic because we know there will be the next pandemic,” he said.
The message is clear. There will be “the next pandemic”. How else can they force people to take more poison?
The long-term effect of lowered trust in vaccines has also meant jab rates for many diseases, including Covid, have fallen since the pandemic. This in turn has increased the public’s risk of “co-occurring outbreaks that would overrun the healthcare system”, the report said.
As an immediate response, the report urged federal and state health ministers to implement a “national strategy” to address the “broad decline in Covid-19 vaccination”, especially for priority cohorts.
The response would also include targeted deadlines and a push to lift early childhood vaccination rates for communicable diseases to pre-pandemic levels.
This is utterly psychotic. In addition to hospital procedures designed to kill anybody who tested positive to Covid, the vaccines alone have killed millions worldwide. It is the greatest ignored genocide of all time.
Obviously, if they’re going to do Covid Tyranny again they will need more power. Hence why the Australian government, in conjunction with governments under ClownWorld’s control are restricting access to the internet, suppressing political expression online and in real life, and preparing to restrict people’s access to their own money. Furthermore, after driving up inflation by printing money out of thin air to keep the economy ticking over during lockdown, the government wants to waste millions more to establish a Ministry of Truth, ie an Australian CDC:
The report also firmly backed the creation of an Australian Centre for Disease Control (CDC), which has been established on an interim basis.
On Tuesday, the government also announced it would commit $251.7m to deliver a Canberra-based CDC, which is expected to be launched on January 1, 2026, pending legislation.
The report said the government agency needed to become “trusted and authoritative on risk assessment and communication” and a key source of national communicable disease data.
It would also conduct biennial reviews of Australia’s overall pandemic preparedness in partnership with the National Emergency Management Agency.
Mr Butler said the CDC would ensure Australia was “prepared” for the next pandemic.
“As the Covid-19 Response Inquiry highlighted, Australia wasn’t prepared for a pandemic,” he said.
“Because of the lack of planning, Australia’s pandemic response to Covid was slow, confused and lacked authority.
“The establishment of the Australian CDC will ensure we are prepared next time.”
This idea that “we weren’t prepared for the pandemic” is just more gaslighting. Everybody knows that governments wargamed the operation in advance and coordinated their approach worldwide.
For two years we were subjected to trauma based mind control through a cycle of lockdown and release. This report demonstrates that ClownWorld wants to do it all again. We must recognise that we will face similar challenges in the near future, but the pressure will be even greater the next time around.
Prepare accordingly.
This article originally appeared on XYZ and is republished by The Noticer with permission.